BWB Episode 85 - BIM in the Burgh with Adam Wingertsahn

Hey BWB Fans,

We are excited to dive into the world of BIM with Adam Wingertsahn, a seasoned professional in the construction industry. Adam's wealth of experience highlights the critical importance of Building Information Modeling (BIM) in reshaping how we approach construction projects.

In our conversation, Adam emphasized the need for BIM solutions that address the unique challenges faced by construction professionals. As someone deeply involved in the industry, Adam understands that off-the-shelf software often falls short of meeting the complex needs of construction projects. Instead, he enjoys making customized solutions that leverage the full potential of BIM to streamline workflows and enhance project outcomes. Adam's perspective on the human aspect of technology integration is particularly insightful. While AI and automation are valuable tools, Adam believes that preserving the human touch in construction processes is essential. He highlights the importance of combining human intelligence with technological advancements to achieve optimal results.

One of the most exciting aspects of our discussion was Adam's focus on developing in-house tools tailored to Lighthouse Electric's specific needs. By leveraging tools like Dynamo and creating custom solutions, Adam and his team are not only improving their own workflows but also exploring opportunities to share their innovations with the broader industry. Adam's journey from software demos to developing his own solutions is a testament to the transformative power of BIM. His commitment to solving real-world construction challenges demonstrates the potential for BIM to drive innovation and efficiency in the industry. As we look to the future, Adam's insights serve as a guiding light for construction professionals navigating the evolving landscape of BIM technology. By embracing custom solutions and prioritizing the human element, we can unlock the full potential of BIM and automation to revolutionize the construction industry.

As usual you can tune in on your favorite platform or click here.

Joseph Whitney